
Used by
Simple Type projectCompletionStatusSimple
Project Completion Status
1 = Completed project
2 = Youth voluntarily left early
3 = Youth was expelled or otherwise involuntarily discharged from project
99 = Data not collected
*In communities exporting HUDVASH OTH data for upload to the VA Repository, 
may also contain data for HUD-VASH Exit	Information (not defined in the
HMIS Data Standards) using list 4.51.1 below:
4.51.1 HUD VASH Exit Information
1 = Accomplished goals and/or obtained services and no longer needs CM
2 = Transferred to another HUD/VASH program site
3 = Found/chose other housing
4 = Did not comply with HUD/VASH CM
5 = Eviction and/or other housing related issues
6 = Unhappy with HUD/VASH housing
7 = No longer financially eligible for HUD/VASH voucher
8 = No longer interested in participating in this program
9 = Veteran cannot be located
10 = Veteran too ill to participate at this time
11 = Veteran is incarcerated
12 = Veteran is deceased
13 = Other
99 = Data not collected
Type restriction of xs:unsignedInt
enumeration 1
Completed project
enumeration 2
Youth voluntarily left early
enumeration 3
Youth was expelled or otherwise involuntarily discharged from project
enumeration 99
Data not collected
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="projectCompletionStatusSimple">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Project Completion Status 1 = Completed project 2 = Youth voluntarily left early 3 = Youth was expelled or otherwise involuntarily discharged from project 99 = Data not collected *In communities exporting HUDVASH OTH data for upload to the VA Repository, may also contain data for HUD-VASH Exit Information (not defined in the HMIS Data Standards) using list 4.51.1 below: 4.51.1 HUD VASH Exit Information 1 = Accomplished goals and/or obtained services and no longer needs CM 2 = Transferred to another HUD/VASH program site 3 = Found/chose other housing 4 = Did not comply with HUD/VASH CM 5 = Eviction and/or other housing related issues 6 = Unhappy with HUD/VASH housing 7 = No longer financially eligible for HUD/VASH voucher 8 = No longer interested in participating in this program 9 = Veteran cannot be located 10 = Veteran too ill to participate at this time 11 = Veteran is incarcerated 12 = Veteran is deceased 13 = Other 99 = Data not collected</xs:documentation>
  <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
    <xs:enumeration value="1">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Completed project</xs:documentation>
    <xs:enumeration value="2">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Youth voluntarily left early</xs:documentation>
    <xs:enumeration value="3">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Youth was expelled or otherwise involuntarily discharged from project</xs:documentation>
    <xs:enumeration value="99">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Data not collected</xs:documentation>